VR Education
VR Construction
Tech x Community
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悅兔歡躍.關愛沙田 沙田民政事務處 與 同行明天 合辦 童在起路線 活動,設計了結合「科技 x 藝術 x 教育」三元素的小遊戲,讓小朋友親身體驗在 元宇宙 與現實世界之間的互動,並在競賽中建立自信,及鍛鍊溝通合作的技能。
District Engagement
Partner with district NGOs and schools to organise the events
Education Workshop
Engage kid to speak and interact throught the Virtual Gallery
Kid Showcase
Showcase the Artworks of the kids at the Virtual Gallery
Our Virtual environment can be run on Samsung Tablets
Feel free to contact us for NGO showcase or education workshop.
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